Steve joined the firm in 2010 after previous stints at research and higher education organisations in the UK and Japan. He has worked in a number of corporate training and business development roles for US and Japanese blue-chip companies in Tokyo, including The Walt Disney Company, Japan and Mitsubishi UFJ Securities.
Steve leads on international client services and business development. His responsibilities include developing new business opportunities with existing and potential clients, articulating all aspects of Japanese IP law and practice to our overseas partners, and representing our firm at international IP conferences and symposia such as INTA, FICPI and APAA. As a thought leader on Japanese IP matters, he also contributes articles to international legal news agencies.
Fluent in Japanese, Steve chairs and interprets at all of our international IP meetings and teleconferences with our key clients. He has represented large clients as an interpreter and consultant at hearings and appeals before the JPO.
He holds an MA in Advanced Japanese from Sheffield University, specialising in legal translation and interpreting studies. He also holds a certificate in International Intellectual Property Law from Temple University and coordinates translation work for all JPO office actions and correspondence with overseas clients.
Although retired from the pitch, Steve enjoys watching both soccer and rugby and debating history and politics with anyone willing.