These Q&A pages provide answers to many of the specific questions our international clients have asked us in recent years concerning the Japanese patent system. (For a more general overview of filing in Japan for non-professionals, please first go to An Introduction to Filing Patents in Japan.)
For ease of reference, the Questions and Answers have been divided into different sections based on the various stages and aspects during the patent process in Japan. Click on the links below or in the side navigation bar in each section.
You'll find detailed summaries on patentable inventions, explanations on what to expect during the life of a patent in Japan - from application and examination to office actions, appeals, patent maintenance, enforcement and licensing (coming soon). We also provide prosecution timelines and cost estimates, and offer effective suggestions and strategies on how best to proceed throughout the process.
If you don't find the specific answer you are looking for here or if you have further questions, please contact us at any time.
Click on the topics below for more details.